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Added Value Programs & Services

"We believe in creating an inclusive atmosphere that empowers consumers engagement in community."

Drivers Permit Course

Curriculum designed to assist individuals to obtain their drivers permit. Permit classes are available virtually or in-person; individually or in a group.


Driver Simulator – A realistic simulator assisting individuals to practice for their driving skills test in a safe environment to increase their confidence and skills.

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Student/Parent IEP/504
Information & Support

Supporting families of youth with disabilities through the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and 504 processes.

School Support Services

Providing in-class independent living skills instruction to high school students including curriculum designed to increase independence, goal achievement and preparedness for the transition from high school. Subjects include: pre-employment, budgeting, housing, meal planning and more.

Budgeting & Financial Management Training

Assisting individuals to manage a budget based on their income and information pertaining to financial services.

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Socialization Opportunities

Offering a wide variety of activities and events for youth, young adults and the adult population to increase socialization and peer support development, improved mental health wellness and create support networks.

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Kitchen & Cooking Skills Training

Thanks to the United Way of Central Missouri's Community Grant Award, ILRC was awarded an accommodating, accessible kitchen remodel allowing for expanded kitchen skills workshops and individualized instruction to consumers with all types of accessibility and dietary needs.

Care Closet Program

The Care Closet is designed to ease the financial burden of obtaining personal hygiene and household items rather than having to compromise on an individual's independence and health.

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Consumer Directed Services (CDS)

Administering attendant services for individuals with disabilities allowing them to stay in their home and community. CDS is provided under contract with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and is a Medicaid based service.

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Durable Medical Equipment Program

ILRC accepts donated new and gently used equipment and ensures it is sanitized and tested for proper working condition. Donated items include wheelchairs, walkers, canes shower chairs and more. Items are donated to consumers and the community as available and requested.

Telecommunications Access Program (TAP)

TAP-T provides demonstrations and access to a variety of communication equipment for individuals with all types of disabilities.

ILRC Members Making A Difference

A consumer led panel seeking to advocate, educate and provide opportunities for community engagement for the disability’s population. 

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Our 5 Core Services

Independent Living Resource Center is one of 22 Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in the State of Missouri. Each center offers unique added value programs and services to these 5 Core Serves upheld by all Centers.

Peer Support
Independent Living Skills Training
Information & Referrals

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There are many ways you can get involved:

Volunteer Opportunities
Become a Board Member
Donate with PayPal

Serving the following 7 counties in Missouri:

Cole, Camden, Moniteau, Morgan, Miller, Osage and Southern Callaway


To find an Independent Living Center near you, click the link below:

For more information, call:


Independent Living Resource Center, Inc.

1760 Southridge Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109


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